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Transmissions of Light through LIVE recordings

The LIVE recordings contain the Activations, Attunements and energies that allow you to receive on a multidimensional level each time you listen.
"What can I expect?"
Common experiences are feeling more peaceful, feeling "lighter", feeling more empowered, confident, greater clarity and ease, the release of physical and/or emotional pain, feeling more FREE and circumstances aligning in magical and miraculous ways to mirror a life that is more honoring and in greater harmony.

All of Omaji's Sessions Encourage you to Awaken to and to Embody your Oneness with Source, Your Infinite Sovereign Self and your capacity to Choose from Infinite Possibility. In Collaboration with The Council of Light, your Higher Self and Guides, Omaji and The Beings of Love and Light Supporting the Session hold a Safe and Sacred Space for you to EVOLVE in a Conscious Way, Shifting and Transforming Lifetimes of Vibrational Dissonance including “old programs and patterns” that are no longer serving you, Supporting the Reinterpretation into a Higher Octave of Expression All Relationships with self and others, Gently releasing emotional and energetic trauma, and Restoring Truth on a conscious and unconscious level. Each Session is a MultiDimensional Experience. Sessions are Comprised of Teachings and Transmissions of Light, Activations and Vibrational Alignment to Support your Higher Self and Body Deva's Higher Self to Harmonize, Uplift and Restore in A Way that Is Aligned with Your True Essence as a MultiDimensional Being. As these discordant frequencies and perceptions are transcended, the result is a Greater sense of Empowerment, Freedom, Sovereignty, Peace, Connection to Source, and ALIGNMENT with Your True SELF. Each Transmission provides an Invitation and Opportunity for You to Choose to Shift Yourself if it resonates to do so. All Sessions are in Collaboration with your Higher Self in a Way that Reminds and Empowers YOU to Shift YOU – So throughout the Experience, YOU are in your Power of Choice and simply REMEMBERING what your Choices REALLY ARE – Being Encouraged to Choose in Favor of your Expansion into Greater Alignment with your TRUE ESSENCE as A BEing of LIGHT (if it resonates for you to do so). 


Each Session is a MultiDimensional Layered Offering that Continues to Support you Each time you Engage with the Transmission - It will 'Meet You Where You Are'.


A Full Library of Tranmissions Available for DOWNLOAD can be LOCATED HERE.


To Receive 2 FREE Transmissions of Light, Sign Up for our FREE Newsletter HERE.


Other Complimentary Transmissions of Light can Be Located on Our YouTube Channel.
View and Subscribe to Omaji's Youtube Channel here


Vibrational Alignment Audio and Video Streaming

The LIVE recordings contain the teachings and energies that allow you to receive the Vibrational Alignment and Transmissions of Light for the first time, and re-listen to receive what is shared on a deeper level.

Are you ready to claim Greater FREEDOM and EXPAND into a True perception of you?

These sessions are F R E E so that all who would benefit are able to RECEIVE. If you feel guided to contribute as an Expression of Appreciation, you can use the 'donate' button below.

Your generosity makes it easier to continue offering these complimentary sessions.

Will you RECEIVE the Remembering you've been asking for?
youtubeView and Subscribe to Omaji's Youtube Channel here
You can also listen and share various sessions on Omaji's Station on Soundcloud here

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Private Sessions with Omaji Andaria and The Council of Light

Private Sessions with Omaji are Divinely Guided by Your Higher Self and Guides in Collaboration with Omaji's Higher Self and The Council of Light in a Higher Dimension. Energetic Support, Processes and Transmissions of Light are shared in a focused way specific to what is being called forth by you and your Higher Self (and Body Deva's Higher Self) at the time of the session. 

A Safe and Sacred Energetic Space is Generated Uniquely for Each Session to Support your OWN REMEMBERING of your Sacred Self and Your LIGHT. Omaji works in collaboration with Enlightened Beings who refer to themselves as The Council of Light, comprised of various Ascended Masters and Benevolent Galactic Light Beings who Embody Divine Wisdom, Divine Love, Divine TRUTH in Integrity with ONENESS. During a Session an energetic bridge is built into a Higher Octave to Support you in Choosing Your "MOST HONORING" Next Level of Expression and Experience. 

When You Initiate the Energetic Exchange for a Private Session, You are Encouraged to Consciously 'Take Your Seat' in the Higher Realms to Begin Receiving in Preparation for the "Meeting" time in the Physical Dimension.

All Sessions are Multi-Dimensional Offerings Intented and Designed to Support you and Your Body Deva in WELCOMING a More Harmonious Experience and a More Harmonic Expression - Which refects as You BEing in Greater Alignment with Your True Self and ALIGNED with That Experience in a More Authentic Way. 

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Conscious Uncoupling with Omaji and The Council of Light

Special Offering for Couples who are Choosing to Part Ways Consciously and Lovingly

Each Offering is Uniquely Guided by The Higher Selves of All Involved, and Includes Healing for the Current Incarnation as well as any Relevant Previous Incarnations.


The Intention of All Conscious Uncoupling Offerings comes from the FOUNDATION of LOVE and Honoring The Essence and The Journey of Each Soul Involved.


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